Sunday, October 16, 2011

Taking Over Even More Classes

This week I officially took over 4 out of the 5 classes I'll be responsible for before the conclusion of my 9 weeks at the high school. The classes I have are two sections of Art Fundamentals, Ceramics, and Photo. I imagined it would be much more stressful, but since I know the students well, it was a fairly easy transition for myself and the students.

My biggest transition was taking over both Art Fundamentals classes because they are the largest classes and also the classes that require the most guidance. I introduced watercolor to their classes and they were very responsive. Most were very enthralled with my demonstration and very eager to get started. I still have some chatty students that do not pay complete attention during my demos that I need to address when I first notice it. I find myself ignoring them, especially if I notice the rest of the class is ignoring them as well. I'm working on my waiting time for them to give me their complete attention, but feel the need to keep going and not waste any time. I have also noticed that the more used to me they get, the more they are beginning to push the envelope. But I noticed that I am putting a stop to the behavior sooner than later by calling them out on it and holding them accountable for their actions. When I put rules in place, the students are beginning to police each other more and classroom management becomes much easier and orderly.

Photo is also a bit difficult because I think the students know that I am not 100% confident in f-stop times and time intervals for prints. I take to heart "If you don't have it, fake it" in regards to having confidence about things and that is exactly what I've been trying to do in this class. The practice is definitely helping me, and I feel I have a handle on how to run a basic photography class.

Ceramics took off with their clay portraits project that I introduced on Monday. Many were excited to get started, but many were also leery about getting their self portrait to look like themselves. I just told them to try their best and many are jumping right in.

With all the new lessons being presented this week, I took the opportunity to have the journal quote for the week be "It is better to plunge into the unknown than to try to make sure of everything" by Gerald Lescanbeault. I found the quote online and felt it was perfect to have the students reflect on that, knowing that they are starting new things and that it's okay to take risks and try even if they're unsure. I feel it's something everyone can live by. Overall, it was a great week and I only have 3 weeks left! Next week, I will be attending a WAEA board meeting as well as the WAEA conference. It should be a fun filled weekend!

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